1: Efficient Algorithms for the Closest Pair Problem and Applications
2: Fibonacci Heaps Revisited
3: Compressed representation of Learning Spaces
4: Efficient Enumeration of Induced Subtrees in a K-Degenerate Graph
5: On the String Consensus Problem and the Manhattan Sequence Consensus Problem
6: Computing the $2$-blocks of directed graphs
7: NeatSort - A practical adaptive algorithm
8: Constrained Monotone Function Maximization and the Supermodular Degree
9: Cell-Probe Bounds for Online Edit Distance and Other Pattern Matching Problems
10: New routing techniques and their applications
11: Ordena\c{c}~ao Baseada em 'Arvores de Fus~ao
12: Dynamic Set Intersection
13: Higher Lower Bounds from the 3SUM Conjecture
14: Near-Linear Time Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for Branch-Decomposition of Planar Graphs
15: GCD Computation of n Integers
16: Faster Fully-Dynamic Minimum Spanning Forest
17: The Power of Two Choices with Simple Tabulation
18: Faster Separators for Shallow Minor-Free Graphs via Dynamic Approximate Distance Oracles
19: A note on multipivot Quicksort
20: A Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Maximum Labelled Clique Problem
21: A 3-factor approximation algorithm for a Maximum Acyclic Agreement Forest on k rooted, binary phylogenetic trees
22: On Polynomial Kernelization of $\mathcal{H}$-free Edge Deletion
23: Assigning channels via the meet-in-the-middle approach
24: Tight lower bound for the channel assignment problem
25: PTAS for Minimax Approval Voting
26: Faster and Simpler Sketches of Valuation Functions
27: DMVP: Foremost Waypoint Coverage of Time-Varying Graphs
28: Online Learning and Profit Maximization from Revealed Preferences
29: Vertex 2-coloring without monochromatic cycles