1: Directed Multicut with linearly ordered terminals
2: Speed-scaling with no Preemptions
3: Proceedings 3rd Workshop on GRAPH Inspection and Traversal Engineering
4: Privacy and Truthful Equilibrium Selection for Aggregative Games
5: Simultaneous Approximation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
6: Distributed Maximum Matching in Bounded Degree Graphs
7: Going for Speed: Sublinear Algorithms for Dense r-CSPs
8: Top-Down Skiplists
9: Entity-Linking via Graph-Distance Minimization
10: New Results on Online Resource Minimization
11: The Grow-Shrink strategy for learning Markov network structures constrained by context-specific independences
12: Parallel Wavelet Tree Construction
13: Pruning Techniques for the Stochastic on-time Arrival Problem\texorpdfstring – An Experimental Study
14: Sparse Fast Fourier Transform for Exactly and Generally K-Sparse Signals by Downsampling and Sparse Recovery
15: Optimal Hub Labeling is NP-complete