
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/8/01-07

1: Voronoi Game on Graphs
2: A Real-Time Spatial Index for In-Vehicle Units
3: Stochastic Shortest Paths and Risk Measures
4: Standards for Graph Algorithm Primitives
5: HSkip+: A Self-Stabilizing Overlay Network for Nodes with Heterogeneous Bandwidths
6: Vertex Fault Tolerant Additive Spanners
7: Online Pattern Matching for String Edit Distance with Moves
8: Improved Randomized Rounding using Random Walks
9: Estimating Renyi Entropy of Discrete Distributions
10: Parameterized TSP: Beating the Average
11: Almost-Tight Distributed Minimum Cut Algorithms
12: Approximation Bounds For Minimum Degree Matching
13: Spectral Approaches to Nearest Neighbor Search
14: Lagrangian Duality based Algorithms in Online Scheduling
15: Non-hierarchical Structures: How to Model and Index Overlaps?
16: A Unifying Hierarchy of Valuations with Complements and Substitutes
17: Amortized $\tilde{O}(|V|)$-Delay Algorithm for Listing Chordless Cycles in Undirected Graphs
18: Improved approximation for Fr'echet distance on c-packed curves matching conditional lower bounds
19: Factorization Norms and Hereditary Discrepancy
20: Achieving Target Equilibria in Network Routing Games without Knowing the Latency Functions
21: Maximum ATSP with Weights Zero and One via Half-Edges
22: Ordering without forbidden patterns
23: Interactive Channel Capacity Revisited
24: Random Algorithms for the Loop Cutset Problem
25: Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design
26: Preventing False Discovery in Interactive Data Analysis is Hard