
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/8/08-14

1: Super-resolution, Extremal Functions and the Condition Number of Vandermonde Matrices
2: Computing the log-determinant of symmetric, diagonally dominant matrices in near-linear time
3: Quantum pattern matching fast on average
4: Asymptotically exact streaming algorithms
5: Generating k-independent variables in constant time
6: Complex Contagions in Kleinberg’s Small World Model
7: A sub-constant improvement in approximating the positive semidefinite Grothendieck problem
8: The Family Holiday Gathering Problem or Fair and Periodic Scheduling of Independent Sets
9: SPLZ: An Efficient Algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path Problem Using Compression Method
10: Dictionary Matching with One Gap
11: Hypergraph Markov Operators, Eigenvalues and Approximation Algorithms
12: Analysis of String Sorting using Heapsort
13: Compressed Sensing with Very Sparse Gaussian Random Projections
14: Advances on Testing C-Planarity of Embedded Flat Clustered Graphs
15: Universal Streaming
16: Fast distributed almost stable marriages
17: Experimental Evaluation of Multi-Round Matrix Multiplication on MapReduce
18: Hashing for Similarity Search: A Survey
19: Computing Hybridization Networks for Multiple Rooted Binary Phylogenetic Trees by Maximum Acyclic Agreement Forests
20: Dynamic Integer Sets with Optimal Rank, Select, and Predecessor Search
21: Rank, select and access in grammar-compressed strings