
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/10/08-14

1: Rejecting Jobs to Minimize Load and Maximum Flow-time
2: Spatial mixing and the connective constant: Optimal bounds
3: Families with infants: speeding up algorithms for NP-hard problems using FFT
4: Minimum Forcing Sets for Miura Folding Patterns
5: Testing Identity of Structured Distributions
6: Randomness Efficient Fast-Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform with Applications in Differential Privacy and Compressed Sensing
7: Efficient On-line Detection of Temporal Patterns
8: Algorithm engineering for a quantum annealing platform
9: Optimal Lower Bound for Itemset Frequency Indicator Sketches
10: Multi-Party Set Reconciliation Using Characteristic Polynomials
11: A note on a sports league scheduling problem
12: Faster Sorting Networks for $17$, $19$ and $20$ Inputs
13: Efficient State-based CRDTs by Delta-Mutation
14: Encodings of Range Maximum-Sum Segment Queries and Applications
15: An easy subexponential bound for online chain partitioning
16: Testing Poisson Binomial Distributions
17: An O(n^3) time algorithm for the maximum weight b-matching problem on bipartite graphs
18: Efficient and Compact Representations of Prefix Codes