
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/12/15-21

1: Online Detection of Repetitions with Backtracking
2: Fewer runs than word length
3: Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Circle and Other Packing Problems
4: Simple Balanced Binary Search Trees
5: The rectilinear Steiner tree problem with given topology and length restrictions
6: $k$-best enumeration
7: Polynomial-time Method of Determining Subset Sum Solutions
8: The switch Markov chain for sampling irregular graphs
9: Optimal-Depth Sorting Networks
10: Solving Totally Unimodular LPs with the Shadow Vertex Algorithm
11: A Self-Tester for Linear Functions over the Integers with an Elementary Proof of Correctness
12: H-Index Manipulation by Merging Articles: Models, Theory, and Experiments
13: An Algorithm for Online K-Means Clustering
14: Compression of high throughput sequencing data with probabilistic de Bruijn graph
15: Short Paths on the Voronoi Graph and the Closest Vector Problem with Preprocessing
16: Manycore processing of repeated k-NN queries over massive moving objects observations
17: Finding 2-Edge and 2-Vertex Strongly Connected Components in Quadratic Time
18: Efficient, Optimal $k$-Leader Selection for Coherent, One-Dimensional Formations
19: On the Entity Hardening Problem in Multi-layered Interdependent Networks
20: On the Shadow Simplex Method for Curved Polyhedra
21: An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Relaxed Triangle Inequality
22: Minimum Probabilistic Finite State Learning Problem on Finite Data Sets: Complexity, Solution and Approximations