1: High Dimensional Low Rank plus Sparse Matrix Decomposition
2: Constructing Near Spanning Trees with Few Local Inspections
3: Obtaining Quality-Proved Near Optimal Results for Traveling Salesman Problem
4: Optimal dynamic program for r-domination problems over tree decompositions
5: An on-line competitive algorithm for coloring bipartite graphs without long induced paths
6: Multicuts in Planar and Bounded-Genus Graphs with Bounded Number of Terminals
7: Computing maximal cliques in link streams
8: Quadratic Conditional Lower Bounds for String Problems and Dynamic Time Warping
9: Unveiling The Tree: A Convex Framework for Sparse Problems
10: Distributed Estimation of Generalized Matrix Rank: Efficient Algorithms and Lower Bounds
11: Optimal component labeling algorithms for mesh-connected computers and VLSI
12: Parameterized Complexity of Superstring Problems
13: A Matrix Laurent Series-based Fast Fourier Transform for Blocklengths N=4 (mod 8)
14: Graph Partitioning for Independent Sets
15: Online Convex Covering and Packing Problems
16: Bipartite Synthesis Method applied to the Subset Sum Problem demonstrates capability as decision and optimization tool
17: Indexing arbitrary-length $k$-mers in sequencing reads
18: Tree Search and Quantum Computation
19: Can Quantum Entanglement Detection Schemes Improve Search?
20: Approximating ATSP by Relaxing Connectivity
21: Simultaneous Time-Space Upper Bounds for Certain Problems in Planar Graphs