1: Computing with Tangles
2: Parameter Compilation
3: An Introduction to Temporal Graphs: An Algorithmic Perspective
4: Phylogenetic incongruence through the lens of Monadic Second Order logic
5: A Randomized Algorithm for Approximating the Log Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix
6: A Simple Spectral Algorithm for Recovering Planted Partitions
7: Matrix Product State for Feature Extraction of Higher-Order Tensors
8: The edge-disjoint path problem on random graphs by message-passing
9: Efficient Computation of the Characteristic Polynomial of a Threshold Graph
10: More Analysis of Double Hashing for Balanced Allocations
11: Polynomial kernelization for removing induced claws and diamonds
12: Simple, Efficient, and Neural Algorithms for Sparse Coding
13: Deterministic and Probabilistic Binary Search in Graphs
14: How to Round Subspaces: A New Spectral Clustering Algorithm
15: The complexity of dominating set reconfiguration
16: An algorithm for multiplication of split-octonions
17: A note on the longest common Abelian factor problem
18: Recognizing k-equistable graphs in FPT time
19: A randomized online quantile summary in $O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon} \log \frac{1}{\varepsilon})$ words
20: Counting Inversions Adaptively
21: On the Number of Minimal Separators in Graphs
22: Hierarchies of Relaxations for Online Prediction Problems with Evolving Constraints
23: Maximizing Monotone Submodular Functions over the Integer Lattice
24: Faster unfolding of communities: speeding up the Louvain algorithm
25: Faster quantum mixing for slowly evolving sequences of Markov chains
26: Tolerant Testers of Image Properties
27: Optimal Constructions for Chain-based Cryptographic Enforcement of Information Flow Policies
28: Managing Relocation and Delay in Container Terminals with Flexible Service Policies
29: Scalable Iterative Algorithm for Robust Subspace Clustering
30: GDC 2: Compression of large collections of genomes
31: Dimensionality Reduction of Massive Sparse Datasets Using Coresets
32: Efficient Farthest-Point Queries in Two-Terminal Series-Parallel Networks
33: How friends and non-determinism affect opinion dynamics
34: Efficient Inverse Maintenance and Faster Algorithms for Linear Programming
35: The combinatorial algorithm for computing $\pi(x)$