1: On Convergence and Threshold Properties of Discrete Lotka-Volterra Population Protocols
2: Optimality of the Laplace Mechanism in Differential Privacy
3: Single Projection Kaczmarz Extended Algorithms
4: A linear time algorithm to compute the impact of all the articulation points
5: Gradual Release of Sensitive Data under Differential Privacy
6: The Minimum Wiener Connector
7: A Bulk-Parallel Priority Queue in External Memory with STXXL
8: A Survey on Methods and Systems for Graph Compression
9: The Inapproximability of Maximum Single-Sink Unsplittable, Priority and Confluent Flow Problems
10: Approximation of non-boolean 2CSP
11: Improved Cheeger’s Inequality and Analysis of Local Graph Partitioning using Vertex Expansion and Expansion Profile
12: Every property is testable on a natural class of scale-free multigraphs
13: How to solve the cake-cutting problem in sublinear time
14: Enhanced Red-Black-Tree Data Structure for Facilitating the Scheduling of Reservations
15: The complexity of computation in bit streams
16: Approximately Counting Triangles in Sublinear Time
17: Watch and Learn: Optimizing from Revealed Preferences Feedback
18: Nearly-optimal bounds for sparse recovery in generic norms, with applications to $k$-median sketching
19: Pricing Online Decisions: Beyond Auctions
20: Learning how to rank from heavily perturbed statistics - digraph clustering approach
21: Proving the Herman-Protocol Conjecture
22: Utilizing de Bruijn graph of metagenome assembly for metatranscriptome analysis
23: Multi-Broadcasting under the SINR Model
24: If the Current Clique Algorithms are Optimal, so is Valiant’s Parser
25: A Complete Worst-Case Analysis of Heapsort with Experimental Verification of Its Results, A manuscript (MS)
26: ReHub. Extending Hub Labels for Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor Queries on Large-Scale networks
27: Random Projections for k-Means: Maintaining Coresets Beyond Merge & Reduce
28: Byzantine Gathering in Networks