1: The Maximum Cut Problem in Co-bipartite Chain Graphs
2: Coloring Graphs having Few Colorings over Path Decompositions
3: Graph Bisection with Pareto-Optimization
4: OBDDs and (Almost) $k$-wise Independent Random Variables
5: Sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation in the basis of Schubert polynomials
6: Optimization results for a generalized coupon collector problem
7: Random Laplacian matrices and convex relaxations
8: FAQ: Questions Asked Frequently
9: The Parametric Closure Problem
10: Faster Algorithms for Testing under Conditional Sampling
11: Fault Tolerant BFS Structures: A Reinforcement-Backup Tradeoff
12: Unit Interval Editing is Fixed-Parameter Tractable
13: Simpler, faster and shorter labels for distances in graphs
14: On the readability of overlap digraphs
15: A Faster FPTAS for the Unbounded Knapsack Problem
16: Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Multi-Antennae Largest Weight Data Retrieval
17: Local, Private, Efficient Protocols for Succinct Histograms
18: Efficient Vertex-Label Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs
19: Tree Buffers
20: On the Lov'asz Theta function for Independent Sets in Sparse Graphs
21: Rooted Cycle Bases
22: Tabulation of Noncrossing Acyclic Digraphs
23: Non-Uniform Robust Network Design in Planar Graphs
24: Route Planning in Transportation Networks
25: On the complexity of computing prime tables
26: Decomposing Overcomplete 3rd Order Tensors using Sum-of-Squares Algorithms