1: Graphlet-based lazy associative graph classification
2: Optimal parameterized algorithms for planar facility location problems using Voronoi diagrams
3: Randomized Block Krylov Methods for Stronger and Faster Approximate Singular Value Decomposition
4: Parameterized complexity dichotomy for $(r,\ell)$-Vertex Deletion
5: Tree compression using string grammars
6: A Unified Approach for Clustering Problems on Sliding Windows
7: Deleting edges to restrict the size of an epidemic
8: On the Approximation Performance of Degree Heuristics for Matching
9: An FPT algorithm and a polynomial kernel for Linear Rankwidth-1 Vertex Deletion
10: Random projections for Bayesian regression
11: Dictionary matching in a stream
12: Interactive Communication with Unknown Noise Rate
13: Overview of Swallow — A Scalable 480-core System for Investigating the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Many-core Applications and Operating Systems
14: On the Runtime of Randomized Local Search and Simple Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Makespan Scheduling
15: A Practical and Worst-Case Efficient Algorithm for Divisor Methods of Apportionment
16: Run Generation Revisited: What Goes Up May or May Not Come Down
17: Sampling Correctors
18: Approximation Algorithms for Inventory Problems with Submodular or Routing Costs
19: Approximating LZ77 via Small-Space Multiple-Pattern Matching
20: Faster Lightweight Lempel-Ziv Parsing
21: Optimal Principal Component Analysis in Distributed and Streaming Models
22: High Speed Hashing for Integers and Strings
23: An Optimal Algorithm for Minimum-Link Rectilinear Paths in Triangulated Rectilinear Domains
24: Dynamic index, LZ factorization, and LCE queries in compressed space
25: Generalized solution for the Herman Protocol Conjecture
26: Metric Decompositions of Path-Separable Graphs
27: A Deterministic Almost-Tight Distributed Algorithm for Approximating Single-Source Shortest Paths
28: Non-Preemptive Scheduling on Machines with Setup Times
29: Optimal Shuffle Code with Permutation Instructions
30: Fully-dynamic Approximation of Betweenness Centrality
31: Scheduling Bidirectional Traffic on a Path
32: Trip-Based Public Transit Routing
33: Spectral MLE: Top-$K$ Rank Aggregation from Pairwise Comparisons
34: Adaptive Computation of the Swap-Insert Correction Distance
35: Fast Quasi-Threshold Editing
36: Faster Algorithms for Quantitative Verification in Constant Treewidth Graphs
37: On Maximal Unbordered Factors