1: Non-unique games over compact groups and orientation estimation in cryo-EM
2: k2Q: A Quadratic-Form Response Time and Schedulability Analysis Framework for Utilization-Based Analysis
3: $k$-center Clustering under Perturbation Resilience
4: Linear-Time Superbubble Identification Algorithm for Genome Assembly
5: Greedy Matching: Guarantees and Limitations
6: Container Relocation Problem: Approximation, Asymptotic, and Incomplete Information
7: Time vs. Information Tradeoffs for Leader Election in Anonymous Trees
8: How to refute a random CSP
9: Partitioned Multiprocessor Fixed-Priority Scheduling of Sporadic Real-Time Tasks
10: On the tightness of an SDP relaxation of k-means
11: Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization
12: Read Mapping on de Bruijn graph
13: Packet Efficient Implementation of the Omega Failure Detector
14: Better Distance Preservers and Additive Spanners
15: Extended fast search clustering algorithm: widely density clusters, no density peaks
16: Very Sparse Additive Spanners and Emulators
17: Distributed Corruption Detection in Networks
18: A Fast Network-Decomposition Algorithm and its Applications to Constant-Time Distributed Computation
19: Graph edit distance : a new binary linear programming formulation