
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2015/7/22-28

1: On Structural Parameterizations of Hitting Set: Hitting Paths in Graphs Using 2-SAT
2: Faster Worst Case Deterministic Dynamic Connectivity
3: On the Worst-Case Approximability of Sparse PCA
4: Optimal Testing for Properties of Distributions
5: Sorting using non-binary comparisons
6: Towards single face shortest vertex-disjoint paths in undirected planar graphs
7: Fast Bidirectional Probability Estimation in Markov Models
8: Personalized PageRank Estimation and Search: A Bidirectional Approach
9: A National Effort for Motivating Indian Students and Teachers towards Algorithmic Research
10: Efficient Low-Redundancy Codes for Correcting Multiple Deletions
11: Building a Good Team: Secretary Problems and the Supermodular Degree
12: Connectivity Algorithm
13: Sublinear-Space Distance Labeling using Hubs
14: Parameterized lower bound and NP-completeness of some $H$-free Edge Deletion problems
15: Optimal self-assembly of finite shapes at temperature 1 in 3D
16: On the Economic Efficiency of the Combinatorial Clock Auction
17: Robust Monotone Submodular Function Maximization
18: The Anatomy of Large-Scale Distributed Graph Algorithms
19: Compressed Data Structures for Dynamic Sequences
20: Quantum Algorithm for Triangle Finding in Sparse Graphs
21: Pattern-avoiding access in binary search trees
22: Perturbed Iterate Analysis for Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization
23: String Comparison in $V$-Order: New Lexicographic Properties & On-line Applications
24: Range Predecessor and Lempel-Ziv Parsing
25: Improved Approximations for Cubic and Cubic Bipartite TSP
26: Spatial mixing and approximate counting for Potts model on graphs with bounded average degree
27: A Deterministic Algorithm for Maximizing Submodular Functions
28: Spectral structure of singular spectrum decomposition for time series
29: Almost Optimal Cover-Free Families
30: A Combinatorial Approximation Algorithm for Graph Balancing with Light Hyper Edges
31: Partial resampling to approximate covering integer programs
32: Estimating an Activity Driven Hidden Markov Model
33: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Spectral Sparsification of Laplacian and SDDM Matrix Polynomials
34: Testing Consumer Rationality using Perfect Graphs and Oriented Discs
35: The proximal distance algorithm
36: Fully-Online Suffix Tree and Directed Acyclic Word Graph Construction for Multiple Texts
37: Prime Factorization of the Kirchhoff Polynomial: Compact Enumeration of Arborescences
38: Duality and Nonlinear Graph Laplacians