1: Analyzing the Performance of Lock-Free Data Structures: A Conflict-based Model
2: Fast Witness Extraction Using a Decision Oracle
3: Online Assignment of Heterogeneous Tasks in Crowdsourcing Markets
4: Metric embedding with outliers
5: The GAP Benchmark Suite
6: Mixture Selection, Mechanism Design, and Signaling
7: Sorting Under 1-$\infty$ Cost Model
8: Coordination Complexity: Small Information Coordinating Large Populations
9: A Tale of Two Metrics: Simultaneous Bounds on Competitiveness and Regret
10: The Computational Power of Beeps
11: Knuthian Drawings of Series-Parallel Flowcharts
12: Locality-preserving allocations Problems and coloured Bin Packing
13: Algorithmic Aspects of Optimal Channel Coding
14: Compact Routing Messages in Self-Healing Trees
15: Mechanism Design via Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition
16: On the Distributed Computation of Fractional Connected Dominating Set Packings
17: Fishing out Winners from Vote Streams
18: Near-Optimal Distributed Maximum Flow
19: Alignment of protein-coding sequences with frameshift extension penalties
20: Reducing multi-qubit interactions in adiabatic quantum computation without adding auxiliary qubits. Part 1: The “deduc-reduc” method and its application to quantum factorization of numbers
21: A Faster Cutting Plane Method and its Implications for Combinatorial and Convex Optimization
22: Message Passing and Combinatorial Optimization
23: The backtracking survey propagation algorithm for solving random K-SAT problems
24: A Discrete and Bounded Envy-free Cake Cutting Protocol for Four Agents
25: Lower bounds for the parameterized complexity of Minimum Fill-in and other completion problems