1: Grafalgo - A Library of Graph Algorithms and Supporting Data Structures (revised)
2: Algebraic File Synchronization: Adequacy and Completeness
3: Performance of QAOA on Typical Instances of Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Bounded Degree
4: A Prefixed-Itemset-Based Improvement For Apriori Algorithm
5: On computing tree and path decompositions with metric constraints on the bags
6: It’s just a matter of perspective(s): Crowd-Powered Consensus Organization of Corpora
7: Bin Packing Problem: A Linear Constant-Space 3/2-Approximation Algorithm
8: Parallel Stroked Multi Line: a model-based method for compressing large fingerprint databases
9: Optimal Power Flow with Inelastic Demands for Demand Response in Radial Distribution Networks
10: New Integrality Gap Results for the Firefighters Problem on Trees
11: Subexponential time algorithms for finding small tree and path decompositions
12: How to Use Temporal-Driven Constrained Clustering to Detect Typical Evolutions
13: Approximation algorithms for node-weighted prize-collecting Steiner tree problems on planar graphs
14: Stationary signal processing on graphs
15: IRLS and Slime Mold: Equivalence and Convergence
16: A Sidetrack-Based Algorithm for Finding the k Shortest Simple Paths in a Directed Graph
17: Linear time algorithm for computing the rank of divisors on cactus graphs
18: Safe and complete contig assembly via omnitigs
19: Simulated Quantum Annealing Can Be Exponentially Faster than Classical Simulated Annealing
20: Submodular Optimization under Noise
21: Graph Editing to a Given Degree Sequence
22: Complexity of ITL model checking: some well-behaved fragments of the interval logic HS
23: Improved Algorithmic Bounds for Discrepancy of Sparse Set Systems
24: Additive Approximation Algorithms for Modularity Maximization
25: Analysis of Algorithms and Partial Algorithms
26: The complexity of bit retrieval
27: Characterizing a Set of Popular Matchings Defined by Preference Lists with Ties
28: Stable Marriage Problem with Ties and Incomplete bounded length preference list under social stability
29: Protection of flows under targeted attacks