1: Lempel-Ziv Decoding in External Memory
2: Efficient Frequent Directions Algorithm for Sparse Matrices
3: Packed Compact Tries: A Fast and Efficient Data Structure for Online String Processing
4: Efficiently Correcting Matrix Products
5: Faster Longest Common Extension Queries in Strings over General Alphabets
6: On pattern matching with k mismatches and few don’t cares
7: GTOC8: Results and Methods of ESA Advanced Concepts Team and JAXA-ISAS
8: Algorithms and Heuristics for Scalable Betweenness Centrality Computation on Multi-GPU Systems
9: Network Clustering via Maximizing Modularity: Approximation Algorithms and Theoretical Limits
10: Efficient Index for Weighted Sequences
11: How proofs are prepared at Camelot
12: Plurality Consensus via Shuffling: Lessons Learned from Load Balancing
13: Inv-ASKIT: A Parallel Fast Diret Solver for Kernel Matrices
14: Online energy efficient packet scheduling for a common deadline with and without energy harvesting
15: Accelerating Local Search for the Maximum Independent Set Problem
16: A double oracle approach for minmax regret optimization problems with interval data
17: Scalable Isocontour Visualization in Road Networks via Minimum-Link Paths
18: A short note on Merlin-Arthur protocols for subset sum
19: Scheduling of unit-length jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on four uniform machines
20: “Almost-stable” matchings in the Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples
21: Compressive Spectral Clustering
22: Parallel Ordered Sets Using Join
23: Recovery guarantee of weighted low-rank approximation via alternating minimization
24: On Efficient Distributed Construction of Near Optimal Routing Schemes
25: On the circuit complexity of the standard and the Karatsuba methods of multiplying integers
26: Find an Optimal Path in Static System and Dynamical System within Polynomial Runtime