1: Subgraph Counting: Color Coding Beyond Trees
2: Quasi-4-Connected Components
3: On the insertion time of random walk cuckoo hashing
4: Rapid Asynchronous Plurality Consensus
5: On Alternation and the Union Theorem
6: Reduced Complexity Multi-Scale Path-Planning on Probabilistic Maps
7: Black-box optimization with a politician
8: VPSolver 3: Multiple-choice Vector Packing Solver
9: On the Density of non-Simple 3-Planar Graphs
10: Tight Lower Bounds on Graph Embedding Problems
11: Exploration of Faulty Hamiltonian Graphs
12: Work-Efficient Parallel and Incremental Graph Connectivity
13: Monte Carlo Markov Chain Algorithms for Sampling Strongly Rayleigh Distributions and Determinantal Point Processes
14: Scheduling MapReduce Jobs under Multi-Round Precedences
15: Simple average-case lower bounds for approximate near-neighbor from isoperimetric inequalities
16: Distributed Strong Diameter Network Decomposition
17: Lexis: An Optimization Framework for Discovering the Hierarchical Structure of Sequential Data
18: On the fine-grained complexity of rainbow coloring
19: Compact Flow Diagrams for State Sequences
20: An improved analysis of the ER-SpUD dictionary learning algorithm
21: Tight Hardness Results for Maximum Weight Rectangles
22: Consensus in Rooted Dynamic Networks with Short-Lived Stability
23: TwoPaCo: An efficient algorithm to build the compacted de Bruijn graph from many complete genomes
24: ABRA: Approximating Betweenness Centrality in Static and Dynamic Graphs with Rademacher Averages
25: Distortion-Resistant Hashing for rapid search of similar DNA subsequence
26: Toward Deeper Understanding of Neural Networks: The Power of Initialization and a Dual View on Expressivity
27: An algorithm for the weighted metric dimension of two-dimensional grids
28: Breaking the Logarithmic Barrier for Truthful Combinatorial Auctions with Submodular Bidders
29: Binarization Trees and Random Number Generation
30: Sublinear Random Access Generators for Preferential Attachment Graphs
31: Competitive Path Computation and Function Placement in SDNs
32: A Constant Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Packets on Line Networks
33: Sorting With Forbidden Intermediates
34: Solar energy production: Short-term forecasting and risk management
35: graphVizdb: A Scalable Platform for Interactive Large Graph Visualization
36: On the Size and the Approximability of Minimum Temporally Connected Subgraphs
37: Clustering Optimisation Techniques in Mobile Networks
38: A loopless and branchless $O(1)$ algorithm to generate the next Dyck word