
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2016/4/01-07

1: Detecting One-variable Patterns
2: Computing Join Queries with Functional Dependencies
3: Iterative Packing for Demand and Hypergraph Matching
4: Generalized Hypergraph Matching via Iterated Packing and Local Ratio
5: Beyond matroids: Secretary Problem and Prophet Inequality with general constraints
6: A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Link Dependent Origin Destination Matrix Estimation
7: Throughput-Optimal Multi-hop Broadcast Algorithms
8: A Decomposition Approach to Solve The Quay Crane Scheduling Problem
9: Throughput-Optimal Broadcast in Wireless Networks with Dynamic Topology
10: Preferential Attachment Model with Degree Bound and its Application to Key Predistribution in WSN
11: Efficient Summing over Sliding Windows
12: Approximating (Unweighted) Tree Augmentation via Lift-and-Project (Part 0: $1.8+\epsilon$ approximation for (Unweighted) TAP)
13: Sparse Fourier Transform in Any Constant Dimension with Nearly-Optimal Sample Complexity in Sublinear Time
14: Mixing Time for Some Adjacent Transposition Markov Chains
15: Recognition of unipolar and generalised split graphs
16: Optimal Parameter Settings for the $(1+(\lambda, \lambda))$ Genetic Algorithm
17: Maximizing the Weighted Number of Spanning Trees: Near-$t$-Optimal Graphs
18: Online VNF Scaling in Datacenters
19: On the complexity of computing prime tables on a Turing machine
20: An Estimation of the Size of Non-Compact Suffix Trees
21: A Fast Incremental BSP Tree Archive for Non-dominated Points
22: New Error Tolerant Method to Search Long Repeats in Symbol Sequences
23: Heavy hitters via cluster-preserving clustering
24: Partial Sublinear Time Approximation and Inapproximation for Maximum Coverage
25: The Price of Differential Privacy for Low-Rank Factorization
26: Parameterized Analysis of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms and the Weighted Vertex Cover Problem
27: A Multivariate Approach for Checking Resiliency in Access Control
28: Online Lower Bounds via Duality
29: GateKeeper: A New Hardware Architecture for Accelerating Pre-Alignment in DNA Short Read Mapping
30: Clustering Via Crowdsourcing