1: On Fully Dynamic Graph Sparsifiers
2: Simultaneous Nearest Neighbor Search
3: A Primal-Dual Type Algorithm with the $O(1/t)$ Convergence Rate for Large Scale Constrained Convex Programs
4: Two-level lot-sizing with inventory bounds
5: The Salesman’s Improved Paths: 3/2+1/34 Integrality Gap and Approximation Ratio
6: Computing Longest Increasing Subsequence Over Sequential Data Streams
7: An algorithm for 3-SAT problems
8: Multi-State Perfect Phylogeny Mixture Deconvolution and Applications to Cancer Sequencing
9: On an algorithm for receiving Sudoku matrices
10: An Experimental Study of Dynamic Dominators
11: Efficiently Enumerating Minimal Triangulations
12: Solving the Team Orienteering Problem with Cutting Planes
13: Efficient FPT algorithms for (strict) compatibility of unrooted phylogenetic trees
14: Know When to Persist: Deriving Value from a Stream Buffer
15: Amortized Dynamic Cell-Probe Lower Bounds from Four-Party Communication
16: Fast Computation of Isomorphisms Between Finite Fields Using Elliptic Curves
17: Efficient Index Maintenance Under Dynamic Genome Modification
18: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for k-Center Clustering
19: Separating Sets of Strings by Finding Matching Patterns is Almost Always Hard
20: Complexes Detection in Biological Networks via Diversified Dense Subgraphs Mining
21: Accurate, Fast and Lightweight Clustering of de novo Transcriptomes using Fragment Equivalence Classes
22: The Right Mutation Strength for Multi-Valued Decision Variables
23: Typical Stability
24: Joint alignment of multiple protein-protein interaction networks via convex optimization
25: Ramanujan Graphs in Polynomial Time
26: FSG: Fast String Graph Construction for De Novo Assembly of Reads Data
27: Dynamic Planar Voronoi Diagrams for General Distance Functions and their Algorithmic Applications
28: A Discrete and Bounded Envy-Free Cake Cutting Protocol for Any Number of Agents
29: Sublinear Time Estimation of Degree Distribution Moments: The Degeneracy Connection
30: Optimal Monotone Drawings of Trees
31: Lossy Kernelization