
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2016/4/22-28

1: Automatic Inference of Graph Transformation Rules Using the Cyclic Nature of Chemical Reactions
2: Robust Estimators in High Dimensions without the Computational Intractability
3: Indexing Variation Graphs
4: A sparse multidimensional FFT for real positive vectors
5: Faster Average Case Low Memory Semi-External Construction of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform
6: BlockQuicksort: How Branch Mispredictions don’t affect Quicksort
7: Loopless Gray Code Enumeration and the Tower of Bucharest
8: Graph Balancing with Two Edge Types
9: Agnostic Estimation of Mean and Covariance
10: Better Analysis of GREEDY Binary Search Tree on Decomposable Sequences
11: A Local Algorithm for Constructing Spanners in Minor-Free Graphs
12: Fast Approximation Algorithms for the Generalized Survivable Network Design Problem
13: On the Grundy number of Cameron graphs
14: Closing the Gap for Makespan Scheduling via Sparsification Techniques
15: Information Cascades on Arbitrary Topologies
16: The number of labeled graphs of bounded treewidth
17: About the Structure of the Integer Cone and its Application to Bin Packing
18: Fast approximation algorithms for $p$-centres in large $\delta$-hyperbolic graphs
19: Estimating Weighted Matchings in $o(n)$ Space
20: The $p$-Center Problem in Tree Networks Revisited
21: Pattern Matching and Consensus Problems on Weighted Sequences and Profiles
22: Online Influence Maximization in Non-Stationary Social Networks
23: Total positive influence domination on weighted networks
24: $\ell_p$-Box ADMM: A Versatile Framework for Integer Programming
25: Assessing the Computational Complexity of Multi-Layer Subgraph Detection
26: Hiring Secretaries over Time: The Benefit of Concurrent Employment
27: A Logarithmic Integrality Gap Bound for Directed Steiner Tree in Quasi-bipartite Graphs
28: On the mediation of program allocation in high-demand environments
29: Tree-Deletion Pruning in Label-Correcting Algorithms for the Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem
30: Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Energy Games with Special Weight Structures
31: Graph Minors for Preserving Terminal Distances Approximately - Lower and Upper Bounds
32: Designing optimal- and fast-on-average pattern matching algorithms
33: A novel algorithm for solving the Decision Boolean Satisfiability Problem without algebra
34: Polynomial-time algorithm for determining the graph isomorphism (v.2)