
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2016/5/08-14

1: The I/O complexity of Strassen’s matrix multiplication with recomputation
2: A Novel Framework for Online Amnesic Trajectory Compression in Resource-constrained Environments
3: Process convergence for the complexity of Radix Selection on Markov sources
4: Approximate Gaussian Elimination for Laplacians: Fast, Sparse, and Simple
5: Fixed Parameter Approximations for k-Center Problems in Low Highway Dimension Graphs
6: Characterization and Inference of Graph Diffusion Processes from Observations of Stationary Signals
7: Parameter-free Locality Sensitive Hashing for Spherical Range Reporting
8: A Framework for Similarity Search with Space-Time Tradeoffs using Locality-Sensitive Filtering
9: Lower Bounds on Time-Space Trade-Offs for Approximate Near Neighbors
10: Querying Temporal Drifts at Multiple Granularities (Technical Report)
11: An Algorithm for Koml'os Conjecture Matching Banaszczyk’s bound
12: Approximation and Kernelization for Chordal Vertex Deletion
13: Tight Sum-of-Squares lower bounds for binary polynomial optimization problems
14: Definability equals recognizability for graphs of bounded treewidth
15: Core congestion is inherent in hyperbolic networks
16: Parameterized Complexity and Approximation Issues for the Colorful Components Problems
17: Shotgun Assembly of Random Jigsaw Puzzles
18: Multiobjective Optimization in a Quantum Adiabatic Computer
19: Approximating Min-Cost Chain-Constrained Spanning Trees: A Reduction from Weighted to Unweighted Problems
20: On “Exponential Lower Bounds for Polytopes in Combinatorial Optimization” by Fiorini et al. (2015): A Refutation For Models With Disjoint Sets of Descriptive Variables
21: A Quantum Approach to the Unique Sink Orientation Problem
22: Variance of the Internal Profile in Suffix Trees
23: On the Lattice Distortion Problem
24: Parallel Equivalence Class Sorting: Algorithms, Lower Bounds, and Distribution-Based Analysis
25: The Non-Uniform k-Center Problem
26: Distributed Testing of Excluded Subgraphs
27: Popular Conjectures as a Barrier for Dynamic Planar Graph Algorithms
28: Adapting the Bron-Kerbosch Algorithm for Enumerating Maximal Cliques in Temporal Graphs
29: Competitive analysis of the top-K ranking problem
30: Efficient Similarity Search in Dynamic Data Streams
31: Robin Hood Hashing really has constant average search cost and variance in full tables
32: Lightweight LCP Construction for Very Large Collections of Strings
33: Searching Lattice Data Structures of Varying Degrees of Sortedness
34: The Densest k-Subhypergraph Problem
35: RLZAP: Relative Lempel-Ziv with Adaptive Pointers