
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2016/6/15-21

1: Range Majorities and Minorities in Arrays
2: String Inference from the LCP Array
3: Algebraic Problems Equivalent to Beating Exponent 3/2 for Polynomial Factorization over Finite Fields
4: Space-Efficient Biconnected Components and Recognition of Outerplanar Graphs
5: Geodesic Walks in Polytopes
6: Improved Space efficient linear time algorithms for BFS, DFS and applications
7: Efficient data streaming multiway aggregation through concurrent algorithmic designs and new abstract data types
8: A Simple Streaming Bit-parallel Algorithm for Swap Pattern Matching
9: A linear time algorithm for a variant of the max cut problem in series parallel graphs
10: Distance geometry approach for special graph coloring problems
11: Scalable Partial Least Squares Regression on Grammar-Compressed Data Matrices
12: Average Shortest Path Length of Graphs of Diameter 3
13: Revisiting the Majority Problem: Average-Case Analysis with Arbitrarily Many Colours
14: Reconstructing a Bounded-Degree Directed Tree Using Path Queries
15: LP-Based Robust Algorithms for Noisy Minor-Free and Bounded Treewidth Graphs
16: Weighted Online Problems with Advice
17: Geometric Median in Nearly Linear Time
18: TSSort: Probabilistic Noise Resistant Sorting
19: Avoiding Imposters and Delinquents: Adversarial Crowdsourcing and Peer Prediction
20: Tensor Ring Decomposition
21: On computing the total displacement number via weighted Motzkin paths
22: Explicit correlation amplifiers for finding outlier correlations in deterministic subquadratic time
23: Guaranteed Non-convex Optimization: Submodular Maximization over Continuous Domains
24: Bidimensionality and Kernels
25: A Compact Index for Order-Preserving Pattern Matching
26: How to Fake Multiply by a Gaussian Matrix
27: Mathematical Foundations of the GraphBLAS
28: The gene family-free median of three
29: Minimum cost polygon overlay with rectangular shape stock panels
30: A New Parallel Algorithm for Two-Pass Connected Component Labeling
31: Cutwidth: obstructions and algorithmic aspects
32: Strategic Bidding for Producers in Nodal Electricity Markets: A Convex Relaxation Approach
33: Asymptotically Optimal Approximation Algorithms for Coflow Scheduling
34: Parallel Priority-Flood Depression Filling For Trillion Cell Digital Elevation Models On Desktops Or Clusters
35: Scalable motif-aware graph clustering
36: A Linear Potential Function for Pairing Heaps
37: Online Stochastic Matching: New Algorithms and Bounds
38: Uniqueness Trees: A Possible Polynomial Approach to the Graph Isomorphism Problem
39: Faster Computation of Path-Width
40: Two-stage algorithms for covering array construction