1: A note on Beckett-Gray codes and the relationship of Gray codes to data structures
2: The Random Access Zipper: Simple, Purely-Functional Sequences
3: Computing Maximum Flow with Augmenting Electrical Flows
4: Towards Instance Optimal Bounds for Best Arm Identification
5: A Linear Kernel for Finding Square Roots of Almost Planar Graphs
6: Squares of Low Maximum Degree
7: A PTAS for the Steiner Forest Problem in Doubling Metrics
8: Online bin packing with cardinality constraints resolved
9: Stack and Queue Layouts via Layered Separators
10: On Low-High Orders of Directed Graphs: Incremental Algorithms and Applications
11: Fast binary embeddings with Gaussian circulant matrices: improved bounds
12: Quantum Communication Complexity of Distributed Set Joins
13: Synergistic Sorting, MultiSelection and Deferred Data Structures on MultiSets
14: Pricing and Optimization in Shared Vehicle Systems: An Approximation Framework
15: A $\widetilde{O}(n)$ Non-Adaptive Tester for Unateness
16: A simple linear space algorithm for computing a longest common increasing subsequence
17: Kernelization and Parameterized Algorithms for 3-Path Vertex Cover
18: Minimizing Quadratic Functions in Constant Time
19: Playing Anonymous Games using Simple Strategies
20: $\chi$-bounds, operations and chords
21: A Note on the Practicality of Maximal Planar Subgraph Algorithms
22: Graphic TSP in cubic graphs
23: Strategic play in stable marriage problem
24: An algorithm for dividing two complex numbers
25: Elementary polytopes with high lift-and-project ranks for strong positive semidefinite operators
26: Testing Unateness of Real-Valued Functions
27: Re-embedding a 1-Plane Graph into a Straight-line Drawing in Linear Time