
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2016/8/29-31

1: Indexing and querying color sets of images
2: Crossing Minimization in Storyline Visualization
3: The Bundled Crossing Number
4: A family of fast exact pattern matching algorithms
5: Offline Drawing of Dynamic Trees: Algorithmics and Document Integration
6: Simultaneous Orthogonal Planarity
7: Compact Layered Drawings of General Directed Graphs
8: Collaborative Delivery with Energy-Constrained Mobile Robots
9: Placing Arrows in Directed Graph Drawings
10: The $(h,k)$-Server Problem on Bounded Depth Trees
11: Low Ply Drawings of Trees
12: Dynamic Controllability of Conditional Simple Temporal Networks is PSPACE-complete
13: Bitonic st-orderings for Upward Planar Graphs
14: Using parallelism techniques to improve sequential and multi-core sorting performance
15: One-Minute Derivation of The Conjugate Gradient Algorithm
16: Monotone Simultaneous Embeddings of Paths in R^d