1: Optimality of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma
2: Generating realistic scaled complex networks
3: Survey of Consistent Software-Defined Network Updates
4: Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016)
5: Optimal Speed Scaling with a Solar Cell
6: Optimal Self-Stabilizing Mobile Byzantine-Tolerant Regular Register with bounded timestamp
7: Rapid Mixing of Geodesic Walks on Manifolds with Positive Curvature
8: An Empirical Study of Cycle Toggling Based Laplacian Solvers
9: Efficient computation of longest single-arm-gapped palindromes in a string
10: A Heuristic Method of Generating Diameter 3 Graphs for Order/Degree Problem
11: Postprocessing for Iterative Differentially Private Algorithms
12: Less than a Single Pass: Stochastically Controlled Stochastic Gradient Method
13: Dilemma First Search for Effortless Optimization of NP-Hard Problems
14: Efficient Completion of Weighted Automata
15: Longest Common Subsequence in at Least $k$ Length Order-Isomorphic Substrings
16: Analysis of Kelner and Levin graph sparsification algorithm for a streaming setting
17: Mapping the Similarities of Spectra: Global and Locally-biased Approaches to SDSS Galaxy Data
18: A Generic Bet-and-run Strategy for Speeding Up Traveling Salesperson and Minimum Vertex Cover
19: A Cubic-Time 2-Approximation Algorithm for rSPR Distance
20: Opting Into Optimal Matchings
21: A Delayed Promotion Policy for Parity Games