1: Approximation Algorithms for Multi-Multiway Cut and Multicut Problems on Directed Graphs
2: Energy-efficient Delivery by Heterogeneous Mobile Agents
3: Lopsidependency in the Moser-Tardos framework: Beyond the Lopsided Lovasz Local Lemma
4: Properties of Healthcare Teaming Networks as a Function of Network Construction Algorithms
5: Approximating Rectangles by Juntas and Weakly-Exponential Lower Bounds for LP Relaxations of CSPs
6: Redundancies in Linear Systems with two Variables per Inequality
7: LR-Drawings of Ordered Rooted Binary Trees and Near-Linear Area Drawings of Outerplanar Graphs
8: An Encoding for Order-Preserving Matching
9: Comments on Dumitrescu’s “A Selectable Sloppy Heap”
10: Batch Coloring of Graphs
11: Efficient Algorithm for Scalable Event-based Demand Response Management in Microgrids
12: Scalable Construction of Text Indexes
13: Tight Tradeoffs for Real-Time Approximation of Longest Palindromes in Streams
14: On the Optimality of Tape Merge of Two Lists with Similar Size
15: Combining Treewidth and Backdoors for CSP
16: A Greedy Approach for Budgeted Maximum Inner Product Search
17: Engineering a Distributed Full-Text Index
18: String Cadences
19: Deterministic parallel algorithms for fooling polylogarithmic juntas and the Lovasz Local Lemma
20: Finding Euler Tours in the StrSort Model
21: Computing All Distinct Squares in Linear Time for Integer Alphabets
22: The Core of the Participatory Budgeting Problem
23: Fast Core Pricing for Rich Advertising Auctions
24: Discovering Small Target Sets in Social Networks: A Fast and Effective Algorithm
25: Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent for Least Squares Regression: mini-batching, averaging, and model misspecification
26: Computing the Expected Value and Variance of Geometric Measures
27: Homomorphism bounds and edge-colourings of $K_4$-minor-free graphs
28: An efficient strongly connected components algorithm in the fault tolerant model
29: Min cost flow on unit capacity networks and convex cost K-flow are as easy as the assignment problem with All-Min-Cuts algorithm
30: Approximating partition functions of bounded-degree Boolean counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems
31: Truthful Mechanisms for Matching and Clustering in an Ordinal World
32: Approximate Counting, the Lovasz Local Lemma and Inference in Graphical Models
33: Improved approximation for two dimensional strip packing with polynomial bounded width
34: Tropical Vertex-Disjoint Cycles of a Vertex-Colored Digraph: Barter Exchange with Multiple Items Per Agent