1: Message-passing algorithms for synchronization problems over compact groups
2: Application of Global Route-Planning Algorithms with Geodesy
3: A $2\ell k$ Kernel for $\ell$-Component Order Connectivity
4: A Near-Linear Pseudopolynomial Time Algorithm for Subset Sum
5: Tight Approximation Bounds for the Seminar Assignment Problem
6: Local max-cut in smoothed polynomial time
7: On Finding Small Sets that Influence Large Networks
8: Logarithmic price of buffer downscaling on line metrics
9: Approximations of the Densest k-Subhypergraph and Set Union Knapsack problems
10: Validation of community robustness
11: Gene Tree Construction and Correction using SuperTree and Reconciliation
12: Lazifying Conditional Gradient Algorithms
13: Efficient Random Sampling – Parallel, Vectorized, Cache-Efficient, and Online
14: Polylogarithmic Bounds on the Competitiveness of Min-cost (Bipartite) Perfect Matching with Delays
15: Distributed Computation of Mixing Time
16: Asymptotic expansions for moments of number of comparisons used by the randomized quick sort algorithm
17: Perfect Memory Context Trees in time series modeling
18: Feasibility Based Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Metric Learning
19: RedQueen: An Online Algorithm for Smart Broadcasting in Social Networks
20: Fully Dynamic Algorithm for Top-$k$ Densest Subgraphs
21: Proximity-Aware Balanced Allocations in Cache Networks
22: Parallel Construction of Wavelet Trees on Multicore Architectures
23: K-clique-graphs for Dense Subgraph Discovery
24: Practical estimation of rotation distance and induced partial order for binary trees
25: LP-branching algorithms based on biased graphs
26: Explicit linear kernels for packing problems
27: Better Streaming Algorithms for the Maximum Coverage Problem
28: On the Price of Stability of Undirected Multicast Games
29: Linear separation of connected dominating sets in graphs
30: Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit with General Reward Functions
31: Single Pass PCA of Matrix Products
32: The Broadcaster-Repacking Problem
33: A Convex Programming-based Algorithm for Mean Payoff Stochastic Games with Perfect Information
34: Two Stage Optimization with Recourse and Revocation
35: Deterministic Distributed (Delta + o(\Delta))-Edge-Coloring, and Vertex-Coloring of Graphs with Bounded Diversity