
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2016/11/08-14

1: A Greedy Approach to Answer Reachability Queries on DAGs
2: An Optimal Ancestry Labeling Scheme with Applications to XML Trees and Universal Posets
3: A Lyapunov Analysis of Momentum Methods in Optimization
4: On the Complexity of Local Distributed Graph Problems
5: Fully-Dynamic Minimum Spanning Forest with Improved Worst-Case Update Time
6: Tight Lower Bounds for the Longest Common Extension Problem
7: A Unified Maximum Likelihood Approach for Optimal Distribution Property Estimation
8: A Near-Linear Approximation Scheme for Multicuts of Embedded Graphs with a Fixed Number of Terminals
9: Scalable Compression of a Weighted Graph
10: Faster Kernel Ridge Regression Using Sketching and Preconditioning
11: Sharper Bounds for Regularized Data Fitting
12: Constrained Submodular Maximization via a Non-symmetric Technique
13: Evaluation of spatial trees for simulation of biological tissue
14: The Power of Side-information in Subgraph Detection
15: Approximately Sampling Elements with Fixed Rank in Graded Posets
16: Statistical Query Lower Bounds for Robust Estimation of High-dimensional Gaussians and Gaussian Mixtures
17: Collision-based Testers are Optimal for Uniformity and Closeness
18: Invertibility and Largest Eigenvalue of Symmetric Matrix Signings
19: Well-Quasi-Ordering versus Clique-Width: New Results on Bigenic Classes
20: Dynamic Spanning Forest with Worst-Case Update Time: Adaptive, Las Vegas, and $O(n^{1/2-\epsilon})$-Time
21: Randomized Experimental Design via Geographic Clustering
22: Improved Distance Queries and Cycle Counting by Frobenius Normal Form
23: Recovery Guarantee of Non-negative Matrix Factorization via Alternating Updates
24: A PTAS for Three-Edge Connectivity in Planar Graphs
25: Development of a data model to facilitate rapid Watershed Delineation
26: An FPTAS for Counting Proper Four-Colorings on Cubic Graphs
27: Planning system for deliveries in Medell'in
28: Recognizing and Eliciting Weakly Single Crossing Profiles on Trees
29: Uncertain Graph Sparsification