1: Learning-Theoretic Foundations of Algorithm Configuration for Combinatorial Partitioning Problems
2: Real Stable Polynomials and Matroids: Optimization and Counting
3: Rate of convergence of major cost incurred in the in-situ permutation algorithm
4: Fast and Accurate Mining of Correlated Heavy Hitters
5: Continuity Assumptions in Cake-Cutting
6: Massively-Parallel Similarity Join, Edge-Isoperimetry, and Distance Correlations on the Hypercube
7: A new method to index and store spatio-temporal data
8: Incremental and Fully Dynamic Subgraph Connectivity For Emergency Planning
9: Longest Common Extensions with Recompression
10: Sensitivity Analysis for Convex Separable Optimization over Integral Polymatroids
11: New Hardness Results for Routing on Disjoint Paths
12: Algebraic multigrid support vector machines
13: An Improved Integrality Gap for the Calinescu-Karloff-Rabani Relaxation for Multiway Cut
14: A Fast and Provable Method for Estimating Clique Counts Using Tur'an’s Theorem
15: Online and Dynamic Algorithms for Set Cover
16: The Matrix Chain Algorithm to Compile Linear Algebra Expressions
17: Maximizing a Submodular Function with Viability Constraints
18: On the Query Complexity of Black-Peg AB-Mastermind
19: Computing Absolutely Normal Numbers in Nearly Linear Time
20: Parallelepipeds obtaining HBL lower bounds
21: Weak Decoupling, Polynomial Folds, and Approximate Optimization over the Sphere
22: Query Complexity of Tournament Solutions
23: Approximate Near Neighbors for General Symmetric Norms
24: On the Energy Efficient Displacement of Random Sensors for Interference and Connectivity
25: Slow links, fast links, and the cost of gossip
26: Rescaling Algorithms for Linear Conic Feasibility
27: Incremental Exact Min-Cut in Poly-logarithmic Amortized Update Time
28: Approximation and parameterized algorithms for geometric independent set with shrinking
29: A note on distance labeling in planar graphs
30: Fair Division via Social Comparison
31: Algorithmic and Hardness Results for the Hub Labeling Problem
32: FURL: Fixed-memory and Uncertainty Reducing Local Triangle Counting for Graph Streams
33: On the Convergence Time of a Natural Dynamics for Linear Programming
34: A randomized polynomial kernelization for Vertex Cover with a smaller parameter
35: Uniquely restricted matchings and edge colorings