
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2016/12/08-14

1: LogLog-Beta and More: A New Algorithm for Cardinality Estimation Based on LogLog Counting
2: Distributed Coverage Maximization via Sketching
3: Subquadratic Algorithms for Algebraic Generalizations of 3SUM
4: What do Shannon-type Inequalities, Submodular Width, and Disjunctive Datalog have to do with one another?
5: A Note on Logarithmic Space Stream Algorithms for Matchings in Low Arboricity Graphs
6: Sorting Data on Ultra-Large Scale with RADULS. New Incarnation of Radix Sort
7: A constructive algorithm for the LLL on permutations
8: Scalable Influence Maximization for Multiple Products in Continuous-Time Diffusion Networks
9: Faster Space-Efficient Algorithms for Subset Sum, k-Sum and Related Problems
10: Metric Distortion of Social Choice Rules: Lower Bounds and Fairness Properties
11: Lower Bounds for Differential Privacy from Gaussian Width
12: Randomized Admission Policy for Efficient Top-k and Frequency Estimation
13: Approximation Algorithm for Cycle-Star Hub Network Design Problems and Cycle-Metric Labeling Problems
14: Vertex Sparsification in Trees
15: Testing Ising Models
16: Optimal mean-based algorithms for trace reconstruction
17: Testing Bayesian Networks
18: Prophet Inequalities Made Easy: Stochastic Optimization by Pricing Non-Stochastic Inputs
19: GraCT: A Grammar based Compressed representation of Trajectories
20: A Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithm for Min-Sum Single-Machine Scheduling Problems
21: Oblivious Sorting and Queues
22: An $O(n^2\log^4 n \log \log n)$ Time Matrix Multiplication Algorithm
23: Baby-Step Giant-Step Algorithms for the Symmetric Group
24: Low-complexity Pruned 8-point DCT Approximations for Image Encoding
25: $k$-Distinct In- and Out-Branchings in Digraphs
26: Improved Algorithms for Decremental Single-Source Reachability on Directed Graphs
27: Exact recovery in the Ising blockmodel
28: Proceedings 11th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science
29: Efficient Representation of Multidimensional Data over Hierarchical Domains
30: Compact Trip Representation over Networks
31: Towards a Constructive Version of Banaszczyk’s Vector Balancing Theorem
32: On Coloring Random Subgraphs of a Fixed Graph
33: FLSSS: A Novel Algorithmic Framework for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in the Subset Sum Family
34: A Refined Analysis of LSH for Well-dispersed Data Points
35: Stable Memory Allocation in the Hippocampus: Fundamental Limits and Neural Realization
36: Efficient Sampling for Better OSN Data Provisioning