1: An Integer Interior Point Method for Min-Cost Flow Using Arc Contractions and Deletions
2: An Improved Deterministic Rescaling for Linear Programming Algorithms
3: A 17/12-Approximation Algorithm for 2-Vertex-Connected Spanning Subgraphs on Graphs with Minimum Degree At Least 3
4: Algorithms for Automatic Ranking of Participants and Tasks in an Anonymized Contest
5: Anti-Path Cover on Sparse Graph Classes
6: Nash Social Welfare for Indivisible Items under Separable, Piecewise-Linear Concave Utilities
7: Multivariate Submodular Optimization
8: A Fast Exact Quantum Algorithm for Solitude Verification
9: Maximum Matching on Trees in the Online Preemptive and the Incremental Dynamic Graph Models
10: Best Friends Forever (BFF): Finding Lasting Dense Subgraphs
11: A Message Passing Algorithm for the Minimum Cost Multicut Problem
12: A Dual Ascent Framework for Lagrangean Decomposition of Combinatorial Problems
13: A Generalized Approximation Framework for Fractional Network Flow and Packing Problems
14: Generating Random Factored Ideals in Number Fields
15: A general purpose algorithm for counting simple cycles and simple paths of any length
16: Approximating Approximate Distance Oracles
17: PAM: Parallel Augmented Maps
18: Backdoors to Tractable Valued CSP
19: A Characterization of Constant-Sample Testable Properties
20: Similarity preserving compressions of high dimensional sparse data
21: The Authorization Policy Existence Problem
22: Quantum speedup of the Travelling Salesman Problem for bounded-degree graphs
23: Coding against deletions in oblivious and online models
24: Sorting Networks On Restricted Topologies
25: Four lectures on probabilistic methods for data science
26: Clustering Uncertain Graphs
27: Stochastic Runtime Analysis of a Cross Entropy Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problems
28: Packing Unequal Circles into a Square Container by Partitioning Narrow Action Spaces and Circle Items