
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2017/2/08-14

1: A New Graph Parameter To Measure Linearity
2: Matrix Completion from $O(n)$ Samples in Linear Time
3: Decoding from Pooled Data: Phase Transitions of Message Passing
4: Position Heaps for Parameterized Strings
5: A Family of Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Duo-Preservation String Mapping Problem
6: Deterministic Protocols in the SINR Model without Knowledge of Coordinates
7: Deterministic Backbone Creation in an SINR Network without Knowledge of Location
8: Oblivious resampling oracles and parallel algorithms for the Lopsided Lovasz Local Lemma
9: Maximum Matching in Two, Three, and a Few More Passes Over Graph Streams
10: Dichotomy for Real Holant$^c$ Problems
11: Distributed Domination on Graph Classes of Bounded Expansion
12: Sparse Approximation by Semidefinite Programming
13: A Generalization of Permanent Inequalities and Applications in Counting and Optimization
14: The Price of Selection in Differential Privacy
15: A Las Vegas approximation algorithm for metric $1$-median selection
16: A Variation of Levin Search for All Well-Defined Problems
17: Fast and scalable minimal perfect hashing for massive key sets
18: Fast and Compact Exact Distance Oracle for Planar Graphs
19: Derandomized Balanced Allocation
20: A new lower bound for the on-line coloring of intervals with bandwidth
21: Nearly Instance Optimal Sample Complexity Bounds for Top-k Arm Selection
22: Coresets for Kernel Regression
23: Trie Compression for GPU Accelerated Multi-Pattern Matching
24: Overlapping Community Detection by Local Decentralised Vertex-centred Process
25: How large is your graph?
26: Selecting with History
27: Solving Tree Containment Problem for Reticulation-visible Networks with Optimal Running Time
28: Better Process Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment
29: Optimal Longest Paths by Dynamic Programming
30: Dynamic programming algorithms, efficient solution of the LP-relaxation and approximation schemes for the Penalized Knapsack Problem