
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2017/2/15-21

1: Solving Orienteering with Category Constraints Using Prioritized Search
2: Approximating the Held-Karp Bound for Metric TSP in Nearly Linear Time
3: Parameterized Algorithms for Recognizing Monopolar and 2-Subcolorable Graphs
4: Automata theory on sliding windows
5: A $(2+\epsilon)$-Approximation for Maximum Weight Matching in the Semi-Streaming Model
6: A parallel implementation of the Synchronised Louvain method
7: Finding All Useless Arcs in Directed Planar Graphs
8: Proust: A Design Space for Highly-Concurrent Transactional Data Structures
9: Online Constrained Forest and Prize-Collecting Network Design
10: Succinct progress measures for solving parity games
11: A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Packing While Traveling
12: Complete Submodularity Characterization in the Comparative Independent Cascade Model
13: Improving the betweenness centrality of a node by adding links
14: Computational topology of graphs on surfaces
15: 3D Cell Nuclei Segmentation with Balanced Graph Partitioning
16: Exact clustering in linear time
17: Network Flow Based Post Processing for Sales Diversity
18: LCL problems on grids
19: Multi-way sparsest cut problem on trees with a control on the number of parts and outliers
20: A Circuit-Based Approach to Efficient Enumeration
21: One-Pass Error Bounded Trajectory Simplification
22: Embeddings of Schatten Norms with Applications to Data Streams
23: An Adaptivity Hierarchy Theorem for Property Testing
24: Polynomial Time Efficient Construction Heuristics for Vertex Separation Minimization Problem
25: Hypercube LSH for approximate near neighbors
26: Canonical Representations for Circular-Arc Graphs Using Flip Sets
27: Conditional Lower Bounds for All-Pairs Max-Flow
28: Robust Sparse Estimation Tasks in High Dimensions
29: Memory Efficient Max Flow for Multi-label Submodular MRFs
30: Robust and adaptive search
31: Refined Vertex Sparsifiers of Planar Graphs
32: Reconstructing binary matrices under window constraints from their row and column sums
33: Identifying high betweenness centrality nodes in large social networks
34: An optimal XP algorithm for Hamiltonian cycle on graphs of bounded clique-width
35: Preemptive Online Partitioning of Sequences
36: Density Independent Algorithms for Sparsifying $k$-Step Random Walks
37: Exact tensor completion with sum-of-squares
38: A $(1.4 + \epsilon)$-approximation algorithm for the $2$-Max-Duo problem
39: Computing Influence of a Product through Uncertain Reverse Skyline
40: Linear-Time Tree Containment in Phylogenetic Networks
41: Automatic implementation of material laws: Jacobian calculation in a finite element code with TAPENADE
42: Answering Conjunctive Queries under Updates