1: Optimal Densification for Fast and Accurate Minwise Hashing
2: The Stochastic Container Relocation Problem
3: Near-Optimal Compression for the Planar Graph Metric
4: Faster STR-IC-LCS computation via RLE
5: A cubic-time algorithm for computing the trinet distance between level-1 networks
6: Algorithms for outerplanar graph roots and graph roots of pathwidth at most 2
7: Complexity Dichotomies for the Minimum F-Overlay Problem
8: A New Unbiased and Efficient Class of LSH-Based Samplers and Estimators for Partition Function Computation in Log-Linear Models
9: Optimal Unateness Testers for Real-Valued Functions: Adaptivity Helps
10: A Local Algorithm for the Sparse Spanning Graph Problem
11: Data Delivery by Mobile Agents with Energy Constraints over a fixed path
12: VieM v1.00 – Vienna Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment User Guide
13: Improving TSP tours using dynamic programming over tree decomposition
14: Quantum Spectral Clustering through a Biased Phase Estimation Algorithm
15: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Maximum-Cardinality Matching on Cocomparability Graphs
16: Connection Scan Algorithm
17: Towards a Topology-Shape-Metrics Framework for Ortho-Radial Drawings
18: An FPTAS for the Knapsack Problem with Parametric Weights
19: Fast Non-Monotone Submodular Maximisation Subject to a Matroid Constraint
20: Approximation ratio of RePair
21: Block CUR: Decomposing Matrices using Groups of Columns
22: Robust Assignments with Vulnerable Nodes
23: Discriminative Distance-Based Network Indices with Application to Link Prediction
24: Discovering Relaxed Sound Workflow Nets using Integer Linear Programming
25: Hardware-Efficient Schemes of Quaternion Multiplying Units for 2D Discrete Quaternion Fourier Transform Processors
26: Spectrum Estimation from a Few Entries
27: Reoptimization of the Closest Substring Problem under Pattern Length Modification
28: Parallel Sort-Based Matching for Data Distribution Management on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
29: On the Interplay between Strong Regularity and Graph Densification
30: A Hybrid Feasibility Constraints-Guided Search to the Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem with Due Dates
31: On the Tree Augmentation Problem