
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2017/5/01-07

1: Thorup-Zwick Emulators are Universally Optimal Hopsets
2: Common greedy wiring and rewiring heuristics do not guarantee maximum assortative graphs of given degree
3: Parallel Construction of Compact Planar Embeddings
4: A Distributed Method for Optimal Capacity Reservation
5: A polynomial time algorithm for the Lambek calculus with brackets of bounded order
6: Finding Minimum Spanning Forests in a Graph
7: Improved Average Complexity for Comparison-Based Sorting
8: Weighted network estimation by the use of topological graph metrics
9: Determinant-Preserving Sparsification of SDDM Matrices with Applications to Counting and Sampling Spanning Trees
10: Dynamic Space Efficient Hashing
11: CDDT: Fast Approximate 2D Ray Casting for Accelerated Localization
12: Consistency of orthology and paralogy constraints in the presence of gene transfers
13: Covering Small Independent Sets and Separators with Applications to Parameterized Algorithms
14: The Homogeneous Broadcast Problem in Narrow and Wide Strips
15: Sustaining Moore’s Law Through Inexactness
16: Testing Core Membership in Public Goods Economies
17: Demonstrating research subcommunities in mathematical networks
18: Homomorphisms Are a Good Basis for Counting Small Subgraphs
19: Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds
20: Streaming for Aibohphobes: Longest Palindrome with Mismatches
21: Polynomial time decodable codes for the binary deletion channel
22: A Survey of Shortest-Path Algorithms
23: A Note on Hardness of Diameter Approximation
24: Online Covering with Sum of $\ell_q$-Norm Objectives
25: The Stochastic Matching Problem: Beating Half with a Non-Adaptive Algorithm
26: Efficient Parallel Strategy Improvement for Parity Games
27: On Algorithms for $L$-bounded Cut Problem
28: Incremental DFS algorithms: a theoretical and experimental study