1: Generalization of Effective Conductance Centrality for Egonetworks
2: An $O(n\log n)$-Time Algorithm for the k-Center Problem in Trees
3: Rank Vertex Cover as a Natural Problem for Algebraic Compression
4: Faster tuple lattice sieving using spherical locality-sensitive filters
5: Hardness Results for Structured Linear Systems
6: Community Detection in Hypergraphs, Spiked Tensor Models, and Sum-of-Squares
7: An exponential lower bound for Individualization-Refinement algorithms for Graph Isomorphism
8: A Distributed Learning Dynamics in Social Groups
9: Improved method for finding optimal formulae for bilinear maps in a finite field
10: Optimal Computation of Overabundant Words
11: Computation of K-Core Decomposition on Giraph
12: Near Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic DFS in Undirected Graphs
13: The Complexity of Routing with Few Collisions
14: Benchmark Graphs for Practical Graph Isomorphism
15: Autoscaling Bloom Filter: Controlling Trade-off Between True and False Positives
16: Zig-zagging in a Triangulation
17: Faster algorithms for 1-mappability of a sequence
18: Distributed Property Testing for Subgraph-Freeness Revisited
19: K-sets+: a Linear-time Clustering Algorithm for Data Points with a Sparse Similarity Measure
20: Unit Incomparability Dimension and Clique Cover Width in Graphs
21: Distance-preserving graph contractions
22: How to answer a small batch of RMQs or LCA queries in practice
23: Sublogarithmic Distributed Algorithms for Lov'asz Local lemma, and the Complexity Hierarchy
24: Faster and Simpler Distributed Algorithms for Testing and Correcting Graph Properties in the CONGEST-Model
25: Relaxation heuristics for the set multicover problem with generalized upper bound constraints