1: Decremental Single-Source Reachability in Planar Digraphs
2: Improved Algorithms for MST and Metric-TSP Interdiction
3: Order preserving pattern matching on trees and DAGs
4: A fast algorithm for the gas station problem
5: Exploring the complexity of layout parameters in tournaments and semi-complete digraphs
6: Inferring protein-protein interaction and protein-DNA interaction directions based on cause-effect pairs in undirected and mixed networks
7: A Fast x86 Implementation of Select
8: Nearly Optimal Sampling Algorithms for Combinatorial Pure Exploration
9: Improved Consistent Weighted Sampling Revisited
10: On the heapability of finite partial orders
11: The Classical Complexity of Boson Sampling
12: Balanced Facilities on Random Graphs
13: Neuro-RAM Unit with Applications to Similarity Testing and Compression in Spiking Neural Networks
14: To Index or Not to Index: Optimizing Exact Maximum Inner Product Search
15: Time-dependent shortest paths in bounded treewidth graphs
16: Approximation Algorithms for Minimizing Maximum Sensor Movement for Line Barrier Coverage in the Plane
17: Approximation Algorithms for the Open Shop Problem with Delivery Times
18: Approximate Shifted Combinatorial Optimization
19: Bounds and approximation results for scheduling coupled-tasks with compatibility constraints
20: Isomorphic coupled-task scheduling problem with compatibility constraints on a single processor
21: Compression, inversion, and approximate PCA of dense kernel matrices at near-linear computational complexity
22: Some complexity and approximation results for coupled-tasks scheduling problem according to topology