1: Lossy Kernels for Connected Dominating Set on Sparse Graphs
2: New Results On Routing Via Matchings On Graphs
3: Tight Euler tours in uniform hypergraphs - computational aspects
4: Parameterized Algorithms for Partitioning Graphs into Highly Connected Clusters
5: Defining Equitable Geographic Districts in Road Networks via Stable Matching
6: On the Limitations of First-Order Approximation in GAN Dynamics
7: Robust Detection in Leak-Prone Population Protocols
8: On Conceptually Simple Algorithms for Variants of Online Bipartite Matching
9: On the Solution of Linear Programming Problems in the Age of Big Data
10: Power domination in maximal planar graphs
11: Compaction of Church Numerals for Higher-Order Compression
12: Time-Space Trade-Offs for Lempel-Ziv Compressed Indexing
13: On Using Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices for Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms
14: New Integer Linear Programming Models for the Vertex Coloring Problem
15: Agglomerative Clustering of Growing Squares
16: Storage, Communication, and Load Balancing Trade-off in Distributed Cache Networks
17: Contracting a Planar Graph Efficiently