1: A Tight Lower Bound for Counting Hamiltonian Cycles via Matrix Rank
2: Nearest Embedded and Embedding Self-Nested Trees
3: Rank-Select Indices Without Tears
4: Super-speeds with Zero-RAM: Next Generation Large-Scale Optimization in Your Laptop!
5: Balanced Line Separators of Unit Disk Graphs
6: An Adversarial Model for Scheduling with Testing
7: Fast Algorithm for Enumerating Diagonal Latin Squares of Small Order
8: Uniform generation of random graphs with power-law degree sequences
9: Obstructions to a small hyperbolicity in Helly graphs
10: Mixed Integer Programming with Convex/Concave Constraints: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Applications to Multicovering and Voting
11: A New Approximation Guarantee for Monotone Submodular Function Maximization via Discrete Convexity
12: Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Compressive Phase Retrieval
13: On Low-Risk Heavy Hitters and Sparse Recovery Schemes
14: Robust Routing in Interdependent Networks
15: WRS: Waiting Room Sampling for Accurate Triangle Counting in Real Graph Streams
16: Discriminant chronicles mining: Application to care pathways analytics
17: Multi-Level Spherical Locality Sensitive Hashing For Approximate Near Neighbors
18: Importance Sketching of Influence Dynamics in Billion-scale Networks
19: An Efficient Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Tree Problem
20: Network Clocks: Detecting the Temporal Scale of Information Diffusion
21: Data Sketches for Disaggregated Subset Sum and Frequent Item Estimation
22: Mitigating Overexposure in Viral Marketing
23: Scheduling Two Agents on a Single Machine: A Parameterized Analysis of NP-hard Problems
24: On The Parameterized Tractability of the Just-In-Time Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem
25: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017)
26: Gene tree reconciliation including transfers with replacement is hard and FPT
27: Simple Round Compression for Parallel Vertex Cover
28: Heuristics with Performance Guarantees for the Minimum Number of Matches Problem in Heat Recovery Network Design
29: EMOMA: Exact Match in One Memory Access