1: Tree-based networks: characterisations, metrics, and support trees
2: Strategic Classification from Revealed Preferences
3: Twin Sort Technique
4: Characterizing and Enumerating Walsh-Hadamard Transform Algorithms
5: High-Quality Shared-Memory Graph Partitioning
6: Communication Efficient Checking of Big Data Operations
7: Near-Optimal Clustering in the $k$-machine model
8: HyperMinHash: MinHash in LogLog space
9: The Unbounded Integrality Gap of a Semidefinite Relaxation of the Traveling Salesman Problem
10: An FPT Algorithm Beating 2-Approximation for $k$-Cut
11: Provable and practical approximations for the degree distribution using sublinear graph samples
12: On the Complexity of Sampling Nodes Uniformly from a Graph
13: Exact Mean Computation in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces
14: Counting and Enumerating Independent Sets with Applications to Knapsack Problems
15: Solving Packing and Covering LPs in $\tilde{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2})$ Distributed Iterations with a Single Algorithm and Simpler Analysis
16: Setting the threshold for high throughput detectors: A mathematical approach for ensembles of dynamic, heterogeneous, probabilistic anomaly detectors
17: Quantum versus Classical Online Streaming Algorithms with Logarithmic Size of Memory
18: Distributed Graph Clustering using Modularity and Map Equation
19: Optimizing relinearization in circuits for homomorphic encryption
20: Synchronization Strings: Explicit Constructions, Local Decoding, and Applications
21: Kernel k-Groups via Hartigan’s Method
22: Probabilistic Couplings for Probabilistic Reasoning
23: Edge-Based Wedge Sampling to Estimate Triangle Counts in Very Large Graphs
24: Variance Reduced Value Iteration and Faster Algorithms for Solving Markov Decision Processes
25: A note on faithful coupling of Markov chains
26: Multiwinner Voting with Fairness Constraints
27: External Memory Pipelining Made Easy With TPIE
28: Lyndon Array Construction during Burrows-Wheeler Inversion
29: Improved approximation of layout problems on random graphs
30: Wasserstein Identity Testing