1: On Learning Mixtures of Well-Separated Gaussians
2: Replace or Retrieve Keywords In Documents at Scale
3: Approximating the $2$-Machine Flow Shop Problem with Exact Delays Taking Two Values
4: Scheduling Monotone Moldable Jobs in Linear Time
5: Fast Dynamic Arrays
6: Improved Approximation Schemes for the Restricted Shortest Path Problem
7: Two Error Bounds of Imperfect Binary Search
8: The Price of Information in Combinatorial Optimization
9: Learning One-hidden-layer Neural Networks with Landscape Design
10: Efficient $\widetilde{O}(n/\epsilon)$ Spectral Sketches for the Laplacian and its Pseudoinverse
11: Optimal Parametric Search for Path and Tree Partitioning
12: Erd\H{o}s-P'osa property of chordless cycles and its applications
13: Majority Model on Random Regular Graphs
14: On the complexity of optimal homotopies
15: An Optimal Choice Dictionary
16: Measuring Quantum Entropy
17: Medoids in almost linear time via multi-armed bandits
18: Minor-free graphs have light spanners
19: Adaptive Network Flow with $k$-Arc Destruction
20: The Complexity of Finding Small Separators in Temporal Graphs
21: A Simply Exponential Upper Bound on the Maximum Number of Stable Matchings
22: k-server via multiscale entropic regularization
23: The Bane of Low-Dimensionality Clustering
24: A Tight Approximation for Fully Dynamic Bin Packing without Bundling
25: Distributed Graph Clustering and Sparsification
26: Optimal Data Acquisition for Statistical Estimation
27: Constant Approximation for $k$-Median and $k$-Means with Outliers via Iterative Rounding
28: An homotopy method for $\ell_p$ regression provably beyond self-concordance and in input-sparsity time
29: An Optimal Distributed $(\Delta+1)$-Coloring Algorithm?
30: A Faster Distributed Single-Source Shortest Paths Algorithm
31: On constant multi-commodity flow-cut gaps for directed minor-free graphs
32: Practical Data-Dependent Metric Compression with Provable Guarantees
33: Stochastic Greedy Algorithms For Multiple Measurement Vectors
34: Is Input Sparsity Time Possible for Kernel Low-Rank Approximation?
35: Provable quantum state tomography via non-convex methods
36: Bloom Filters, Adaptivity, and the Dictionary Problem
37: Fooling Views: A New Lower Bound Technique for Distributed Computations under Congestion
38: Approximating Partition Functions in Constant Time
39: Routing Symmetric Demands in Directed Minor-Free Graphs with Constant Congestion
40: Nearly Work-Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Digraph Reachability
41: Fusible HSTs and the randomized k-server conjecture
42: Prophet Secretary: Surpassing the $1-1/e$ Barrier
43: Lisco: A Continuous Approach in LiDAR Point-cloud Clustering
44: Constant-Factor Approximation for Ordered k-Median
45: Almost Polynomial Hardness of Node-Disjoint Paths in Grids
46: Integer Programming in Parameterized Complexity: Three Miniatures
47: Optimum Search Schemes for Approximate String Matching Using Bidirectional FM-Index
48: Maximum Entropy Distributions: Bit Complexity and Stability
49: On Structural Parameterizations of the Edge Disjoint Paths Problem
50: Fully-Dynamic Bin Packing with Limited Repacking
51: Small Resolution Proofs for QBF using Dependency Treewidth
52: On Derandomizing Local Distributed Algorithms
53: Optimality of Approximate Inference Algorithms on Stable Instances
54: Sketching Linear Classifiers over Data Streams
55: Revisionist Simulations: A New Approach to Proving Space Lower Bounds