
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2017/11/08-14

1: Streaming Robust Submodular Maximization: A Partitioned Thresholding Approach
2: Convex Optimization with Unbounded Nonconvex Oracles using Simulated Annealing
3: Algorithms to Approximate Column-Sparse Packing Problems
4: Sparse Randomized Kaczmarz for Support Recovery of Jointly Sparse Corrupted Multiple Measurement Vectors
5: A compressed dynamic self-index for highly repetitive text collections
6: Constructive Discrepancy Minimization with Hereditary L2 Guarantees
7: Run Compressed Rank/Select for Large Alphabets
8: Learning Non-overlapping Convolutional Neural Networks with Multiple Kernels
9: Coresets Meet EDCS: Algorithms for Matching and Vertex Cover on Massive Graphs
10: Computing exact minimum cuts without knowing the graph
11: R(QPS-Serena) and R(QPS-Serenade): Two Novel Augmenting-Path Based Algorithms for Computing Approximate Maximum Weight Matching
12: A Grammar Compression Algorithm based on Induced Suffix Sorting
13: Distances in and Layering of a DAG
14: Go with the Flow: Compositional Abstractions for Concurrent Data Structures (Extended Version)
15: Toward perfect reads: self-correction of short reads via mapping on de Bruijn graphs
16: Fast Distributed Approximation for TAP and 2-Edge-Connectivity
17: Counting hypergraph colorings in the local lemma regime
18: Small-loss bounds for online learning with partial information
19: Clustering with Local Restrictions
20: Hamming distance completeness and sparse matrix multiplication
21: On the hardness of losing weight
22: Manipulative Elicitation – A New Attack on Elections with Incomplete Preferences
23: One-Bit ExpanderSketch for One-Bit Compressed Sensing
24: On the ERM Principle with Networked Data
25: An efficient algorithm computing composition factors of $T(V)^{\otimes n}$
26: Dynamic Algorithms for Graph Coloring
27: Longest Alignment with Edits in Data Streams
28: Tight Cell Probe Bounds for Succinct Boolean Matrix-Vector Multiplication
29: Linear-Time Algorithms for Maximum-Weight Induced Matchings and Minimum Chain Covers in Convex Bipartite Graphs
30: Constraint Solving via Fractional Edge Covers
31: Fair Knapsack
32: Smaller parameters for vertex cover kernelization
33: Stampery Blockchain Timestamping Architecture (BTA) - Version 6
34: Randomized Near Neighbor Graphs, Giant Components, and Applications in Data Science
35: Heavy Hitters and the Structure of Local Privacy
36: Estimating Graph Parameters from Random Order Streams
37: On Partial Covering For Geometric Set Systems
38: Quantum Annealing Applied to De-Conflicting Optimal Trajectories for Air Traffic Management
39: Robust Online Speed Scaling With Deadline Uncertainty
40: Quantum transport senses community structure in networks
41: Similarity-Aware Spectral Sparsification by Edge Filtering
42: Protofold II: Enhanced Model and Implementation for Kinetostatic Protein Folding