
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2017/12/08-14

1: Core Discovery in Hidden Graphs
2: Deciding the existence of a cherry-picking sequence is hard on two trees
3: Periortree: An Extention of R-Tree for Periodic Boundary Conditions
4: Graph-based time-space trade-offs for approximate near neighbors
5: Improved Space-efficient Linear Time Algorithms for Some Classical Graph Problems
6: Risk averse single machine scheduling - complexity and approximation
7: Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames
8: Faster integer and polynomial multiplication using cyclotomic coefficient rings
9: Efficient enumeration of solutions produced by closure operations
10: Robust Sparse Fourier Transform Based on The Fourier Projection-Slice Theorem
11: How to navigate through obstacles?
12: On the existence of a cherry-picking sequence
13: Attaching leaves and picking cherries to characterise the hybridisation number for a set of phylogenies
14: A Random Sample Partition Data Model for Big Data Analysis
15: Mining Non-Redundant Local Process Models From Sequence Databases
16: Empirical Evaluation of Kernel PCA Approximation Methods in Classification Tasks
17: Dynamic Discrete Tomography
18: Efficient Approximation Algorithms for String Kernel Based Sequence Classification
19: Hierarchical Bloom Filter Trees for Approximate Matching
20: Potential-Function Proofs for First-Order Methods
21: Ellipsoid Method for Linear Programming made simple
22: Optimal Construction of Compressed Indexes for Highly Repetitive Texts
23: QPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk Graphs
24: B-slack trees: Highly Space Efficient B-trees
25: Approximation Algorithms for Replenishment Problems with Fixed Turnover Times
26: Symmetry Detection for Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs Using Binary Layered Graphs