1: Online Submodular Welfare Maximization: Greedy Beats 1/2 in Random Order
2: New and Improved Algorithms for Unordered Tree Inclusion
3: Optimal top dag compression
4: Unifying Sparsest Cut, Cluster Deletion, and Modularity Clustering Objectives with Correlation Clustering
5: Bubble-Flip – A New Generation Algorithm for Prefix Normal Words
6: Solving satisfiability using inclusion-exclusion
7: Syndrome decoding of Reed-Muller codes and tensor decomposition over finite fields
8: FPT-algorithms for some problems related to integer programming
9: Approximation algorithms for stochastic and risk-averse optimization
10: The Power of Vertex Sparsifiers in Dynamic Graph Algorithms
11: Inductive $k$-independent graphs and $c$-colorable subgraphs in scheduling: A review
12: An Experimental Evaluation of a Bounded Expansion Algorithmic Pipeline
13: Fast Algorithms for Delta-Separated Sparsity Projection
14: A tight lower bound for an online hypercube packing problem and bounds for prices of anarchy of a related game
15: Approximate Correlation Clustering Using Same-Cluster Queries
16: Enumerating maximal cliques in link streams with durations
17: A Faster Drop-in Implementation for Leaf-wise Exact Greedy Induction of Decision Tree Using Pre-sorted Deque
18: The cavity approach for Steiner trees packing problems
19: A Collection of Lower Bounds for Online Matching on the Line
20: Calibrating Noise to Variance in Adaptive Data Analysis
21: Further limitations of the known approaches for matrix multiplication
22: Text Indexing and Searching in Sublinear Time
23: On Counting Perfect Matchings in General Graphs
24: Renaissance: A Self-Stabilizing Distributed SDN Control Plane using In-band Communications
25: Bounds on the Entropy of a Function of a Random Variable and their Applications
26: Encoding Watermark Numbers as Reducible Permutation Graphs using Self-inverting Permutations