
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2017/12/22-28

1: A Fast Algorithm for Separated Sparsity via Perturbed Lagrangians
2: Tight Hardness for Shortest Cycles and Paths in Sparse Graphs
3: Practically-Self-Stabilizing Vector Clocks in the Absence of Execution Fairness
4: Grand Challenge: Optimized Stage Processing for Anomaly Detection on Numerical Data Streams
5: A simple introduction to Karmarkar’s Algorithm for Linear Programming
6: Proceedings Third Workshop on Graphs as Models
7: Connected Vertex Cover for $(sP_1+P_5)$-Free Graphs
8: Lattice-based Locality Sensitive Hashing is Optimal
9: Longest common substring with approximately $k$ mismatches
10: Sampling for Approximate Bipartite Network Projection
11: Pruning based Distance Sketches with Provable Guarantees on Random Graphs
12: Persistence of the Jordan center in Random Growing Trees
13: Cartesian trees and Lyndon trees
14: The tractability frontier of well-designed SPARQL queries
15: Lectures on Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra
16: Towards Profit Maximization for Online Social Network Providers
17: Stochastic Multi-armed Bandits in Constant Space
18: Improved Distributed Algorithms for Exact Shortest Paths
19: Near-linear Time Algorithm for Approximate Minimum Degree Spanning Trees
20: Algorithmic Regularization in Over-parameterized Matrix Sensing and Neural Networks with Quadratic Activations
21: Space-Efficient Algorithms for Longest Increasing Subsequence
22: IHT dies hard: Provable accelerated Iterative Hard Thresholding
23: Sketching for Kronecker Product Regression and P-splines
24: Analysing the Performance of GPU Hash Tables for State Space Exploration
25: On the Scalability of the GPUexplore Explicit-State Model Checker
26: Cuckoo++ Hash Tables: High-Performance Hash Tables for Networking Applications
27: Tensor network complexity of multilinear maps
28: Analysis of Concurrent Lock-Free Hash Tries with Constant-Time Operations
29: A Fast and Accurate Failure Frequency Approximation for $k$-Terminal Reliability Systems
30: Enumerating consistent subgraphs of directed acyclic graphs: an insight into biomedical ontologies
31: On the Decision Tree Complexity of String Matching
32: Tight Bounds for Maximal Identifiability of Failure Nodes in Boolean Network Tomography