
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2018/1/15-21

1: Strategies for Stable Merge Sorting
2: Robust capacitated trees and networks with uniform demands
3: Searching for Maximum Out-Degree Vertices in Tournaments
4: Subpolynomial trace reconstruction for random strings and arbitrary deletion probability
5: Approximating the Incremental Knapsack Problem
6: Vehicle Routing with Subtours
7: Round- and Message-Optimal Distributed Graph Algorithms
8: Longest Processing Time rule for identical parallel machines revisited
9: Efficient Computation of the 8-point DCT via Summation by Parts
10: Solving Minimum k-supplier in Adleman-Lipton model
11: Degree-constrained 2-partitions of graphs
12: NAE-SAT-based probabilistic membership filters
13: Minor Excluded Network Families Admit Fast Distributed Algorithms
14: Empowering the Configuration-IP $-$ New PTAS Results for Scheduling with Setups Times
15: Probabilistic Tools for the Analysis of Randomized Optimization Heuristics