
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2018/1/29-31

1: Generalized Leapfrogging Samplesort: A Class of $O(n \log^2 n)$ Worst-Case Complexity and $O(n \log n)$ Average-Case Complexity Sorting Algorithms
2: Which NP-Hard SAT and CSP Problems Admit Exponentially Improved Algorithms?
3: A Unifying Framework for Manipulation Problems
4: ONCE and ONCE+: Counting the Frequency of Time-constrained Serial Episodes in a Streaming Sequence
5: A Generalized Circuit for the Hamiltonian Dynamics Through the Truncated Series
6: Earthmover Resilience and Testing in Ordered Structures
7: Social Event Scheduling
8: Analysis of the Continued Logarithm Algorithm
9: Compressed Anomaly Detection with Multiple Mixed Observations
10: A Continuous - Time Quantum Walk for Attributed Graphs Matching
11: Efficient Algorithms for Measuring the Funnel-likeness of DAGs
12: Hardness, Approximability, and Fixed-Parameter Tractability of the Clustered Shortest-Path Tree Problem
13: Constant Factor Time Optimal Multi-Robot Routing on High-Dimensional Grids in Mostly Sub-Quadratic Time