1: Fast Characterization of Segmental Duplications in Genome Assemblies
2: Bit Complexity of Computing Solutions for Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems of PDEs with Guaranteed Precision
3: Representation of ordered trees with a given degree distribution
4: Well-Scaling Procedure for Deciding Gammoid Class-Membership of Matroids
5: An Algorithmic Framework For Differentially Private Data Analysis on Trusted Processors
6: Classifying Data with Local Hamiltonians
7: Distributed Statistical Estimation of Matrix Products with Applications
8: Optimality and Sub-optimality of PCA I: Spiked Random Matrix Models
9: Log-Concave Polynomials I: Entropy and a Deterministic Approximation Algorithm for Counting Bases of Matroids
10: A Note on Degree vs Gap of Min-Rep Label Cover and Improved Inapproximability for Connectivity Problems
11: Uniform generation of spanning regular subgraphs of a dense graph
12: Detecting cliques in CONGEST networks
13: Variable neighborhood search for partitioning sparse biological networks into the maximum edge-weighted $k$-plexes
14: Approximation Algorithms for Probabilistic Graphs
15: Ortho-polygon Visibility Representations of 3-connected 1-plane Graphs
16: A Novel Algorithm for the All-Best-Swap-Edge Problem on Tree Spanners
17: SWIFT: Maintaining weak-scalability with a dynamic range of $10^4$ in time-step size to harness extreme adaptivity
18: Near-Optimal Distance Emulator for Planar Graphs
19: An efficient quantum circuits optimizing scheme compared with QISKit
20: Tight bounds for popping algorithms
21: Optimal Ball Recycling
22: Partitioning Vectors into Quadruples: Worst-Case Analysis of a Matching-Based Algorithm
23: Constructing Concrete Hard Instances of the Maximum Independent Set Problem
24: Searching for dense subsets in a graph via the partition function
25: Polynomial time algorithm for optimal stopping with fixed accuracy
26: Differentially Private Online Submodular Optimization
27: Flow-time Optimization For Concurrent Open-Shop and Precedence Constrained Scheduling Models
28: Leveraging Well-Conditioned Bases: Streaming \& Distributed Summaries in Minkowski $p$-Norms
29: New Algorithms for Subset Sum Problem