1: Subset Sum Made Simple
2: Independent Sets in Vertex-Arrival Streams
3: On Minimum Connecting Transition Sets in Graphs
4: Batch Sparse Recovery, or How to Leverage the Average Sparsity
5: Set Cover with Delay – Clairvoyance is not Required
6: Submodular Function Maximization in Parallel via the Multilinear Relaxation
7: Random Sampling Applied to the MST Problem in the Node Congested Clique Model
8: Round Compression for Parallel Graph Algorithms in Strongly Sublinear Space
9: Two Algorithms to Find Primes in Patterns
10: A Deterministic Distributed Algorithm for Weighted All Pairs Shortest Paths Through Pipelining
11: Sublinear Algorithms for $(\Delta + 1)$ Vertex Coloring
12: A Note on Clustering Aggregation for Binary Clusterings
13: Revisiting the Challenges of MaxClique
14: Zeros of Holant problems: locations and algorithms
15: Metric Sublinear Algorithms via Linear Sampling
16: Time-efficient Garbage Collection in SSDs
17: An Approximation Algorithm for Risk-averse Submodular Optimization
18: On the Randomized Complexity of Minimizing a Convex Quadratic Function
19: Shortest path queries, graph partitioning and covering problems in worst and beyond worst case settings
20: Efficient algorithms for robust submodular maximization under matroid constraints
21: Shared-Memory Parallel Maximal Clique Enumeration
22: A Greedy Heuristic for Crossing-Angle Maximization
23: Parallel Minimum Cuts in Near-linear Work and Low Depth
24: Data-Oriented Algorithm for Real-Time Estimation of Flow Rates and Flow Directions in a Water Distribution Network
25: Directory Reconciliation
26: Robust Set Reconciliation via Locality Sensitive Hashing
27: Improving the Integrality Gap for Multiway Cut
28: A Polynomial Time Constant Approximation For Minimizing Total Weighted Flow-time
29: Mildly Exponential Time Approximation Algorithms for Vertex Cover, Uniform Sparsest Cut and Related Problems
30: The Impact of Information in Greedy Submodular Maximization
31: Seeded Graph Matching via Large Neighborhood Statistics
32: Distributed leader election and computation of local identifiers for programmable matter
33: Faster Recovery of Approximate Periods over Edit Distance
34: Alternating Path and Coloured Clustering
35: Enumerating Cryptarithms Using Deterministic Finite Automata
36: Connected Components at Scale via Local Contractions
37: Solving Target Set Selection with Bounded Thresholds Faster than $2^n$