1: Fair Packing and Covering on a Relative Scale
2: Persistent Monitoring of Dynamically Changing Environments Using an Unmanned Vehicle
3: Parallel and Streaming Algorithms for K-Core Decomposition
4: Good $r$-divisions Imply Optimal Amortised Decremental Biconnectivity
5: A practical Single Source Shortest Path algorithm for random directed graphs with arbitrary weight in expecting linear time
6: On the Monitoring of Decentralized Specifications Semantics, Properties, Analysis, and Simulation
7: Steiner Point Removal with distortion $O(\log k)$, using the Noisy-Voronoi algorithm
8: Separators for Planar Graphs that are Almost Trees
9: Hard to Solve Instances of the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem
10: Sampling-Based Tour Generation of Arbitrarily Oriented Dubins Sensor Platforms
11: Generalized budgeted submodular set function maximization
12: Maximum Weight Online Matching with Deadlines
13: Longest Increasing Subsequence under Persistent Comparison Errors
14: A note on partial rejection sampling for the hard disks model in the plane
15: Linear time algorithm to check the singularity of block graphs
16: Efficient Measurement on Programmable Switches Using Probabilistic Recirculation
17: On the Complexity of Solving Subtraction Games
18: The Power of Cut-Based Parameters for Computing Edge Disjoint Paths
19: Dynamic all scores matrices for LCS score
20: Finding a Small Number of Colourful Components
21: Greedy Algorithms for Approximating the Diameter of Machine Learning Datasets in Multidimensional Euclidean Space
22: A New Algorithm for the Robust Semi-random Independent Set Problem
23: The effective entropy of next/previous larger/smaller value queries
24: Simple versus Optimal Contracts
25: Stochastic on-time arrival problem in transit networks
26: Parallelization does not Accelerate Convex Optimization: Adaptivity Lower Bounds for Non-smooth Convex Minimization
27: Local Decodability of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform
28: Time-Varying Semidefinite Programs
29: Speeding Up Constrained $k$-Means Through 2-Means
30: Relaxed Schedulers Can Efficiently Parallelize Iterative Algorithms
31: Faster deterministic parameterized algorithm for k-Path
32: Hashing with Linear Probing and Referential Integrity
33: A Simple Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithm for 2-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs